Well, the past few weeks have been disappointing to say the
least when I look back at my eating habits. My mom being in the hospital isn’t
helping things. So, I took a moment to reflect on what might get me out of this
rut I’ve been in. That’s when I remembered how much I used to love to exercise.
I have been overweight all my life, but I discovered the joy
of walking some years ago. I have walked in 5 half marathons so far. I also attended
every exercise class I could work into my schedule. I wasn’t losing any weight,
but I was working out enough to keep my weight steady in spite of my binges.
All of that came to a screeching halt last spring when I had
an “ankle sprain” that wouldn’t go away. Suddenly, walking even one mile became
a chore –forget walking 13.1. After taking a break from aerobics, and engaging
in weeks of physical therapy, I was still in pain. Months later, an MRI would
reveal that I had a fractured bone. So, I was in a walker boot for a month.
Then I was referred to an orthopedic surgeon who told me that this type of
fracture would not heal if I continued to walk on it. The next step was 6 weeks
in crutches. Then 3 more weeks in the walker boot. (I had to take 2 months off
of work during this process.) Six weeks of physical therapy, and lots of pain.
That leads us to the present. An MRI showed that the bone
has healed properly. The doctor has determined that the pain I still experience
on occasion is arthritis. Some days are good. Other days, walking can be
excruciating. But when I asked about resuming physical activity, the doctor
gave me the green light to do “whatever your pain will allow.”
Two days ago, I spent an hour walking around a local mall.
It was much slower than I used to walk before my injury, but it felt good! Last
night, I completed a 2 mile Leslie Sansone walk at home video. It was great to
feel the surge of energy that comes when I complete a workout. I have already decided that when I return
home next week, I am going to take my bike in for a tune up, and start riding
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been a year since the
injury first appeared. But, it’s time to put it behind me. I look forward to
getting back to regular exercise, even if I can’t do so with as much intensity
as I used to. Aside from the physical benefits, it helps to lift my mood. And
who couldn’t use a little lift every now and then?
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